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First Congregational Church of Madison
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Who We Are
We are a Christian community committed to teaching and practicing the love of God.
Our faith is 2,000 years old. our thinking is not.
We seek to love God with all we are, and to love our neighbors, near and far, as ourselves.
We experience the Good News of Jesus Christ through lives committed to peace and justice,
and the well-being of all creation.
We are an open and affirming church, following the Bible's expression of God's expansive love.
As a church in the Reformed Protestant traditioon, we are a community of ministers,
each of us called and gifted by God for service in the church and the world.
UCC Values
UCC 101
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